I'm not going to offer a comprehensive critique of
Dave Barno and Andrew Exum's new report on
the path forward in Afghanistan, because I'd like to spend a little more time
going over it before I comment in depth, and because I'm not interested in
spending a lot of time on it right now. But I'd like to say a few things about
what other people have said, because it's easier to criticize than to do any
kind of deeper analysis.
First of all, full disclosure: I'm not going to make any
disclosure statements. FFS, you don't even know my name! Why would I disclose
Seriously though: Ex and I are friends, but we have significantly different
ideas about the war in
Afghanistan. I
read a draft of this paper two months ago and gave some very brief but
critical feedback. So let me just say up front that 1) my friendship with Ex
doesn't keep me from
his balls and telling him when I think he's wrong, and 2) if I had any
organizational or philosophical fealty to CNAS, I'd be
at their Christmas party right now instead
of defending their institutional integrity on the internet.
That said: it is very, very bizarre to criticize CNAS or the
paper's authors for failing to recant previously articulated support for a
broad-based, well-resourced counterinsurgency effort in
Here's Bernard Finel:
Finally, about CNAS. I know it has no “institutional positions” and
hence no obligation to explain shifts in analysis. But that is wildly
disengenuous [sic]. We are seeing a major reversal in CNAS’s position on COIN
issues — which are their signature area of research and influence – and refusing
to acknowledge past mistakes or address new assessments is, well, creepy.
It is vaguely Stalinist — you know, we’ll just rewrite history and pretend
nothing happened. I am pretty sure that if Heritage new year started
promoting higher taxes they would feel obliged to explain why their
views had changed. The “no institutional positions” line from CNAS leaders
is just a cop out. Own your past mistakes. Acknowledge them and
learn from them.
And then there's Michael Cohen, who
tweeted that
"CNAS has gone 180 on COIN and offers no explanation." [EDIT: Let me clarify here that I'm not dealing with Cohen's criticism of the report in any kind of comprehensive way. He feels like he's been unfairly lumped in with Finel here, and that's probably true. So
go read his criticism of the paper, which repeats some of Bernard's goofy lament about how wrong Ex was a year ago, but also makes an important point about how he and Barno have mostly overlooked the reconciliation process.]
"Bizarre" is probably not the right word for this;
that suggests that this kind of criticism is unexpected and inexplicable.
Anyone who's read
Bernard's blog (
Cohen's, for that matter) could've predicted this sort of overwrought
critique --- "major reversal," "creepy," "vaguely
Stalinist, "rewrite history," etc. -- simply by observing how many of
those who have been advocating withdrawal for some time seem so aggrieved at
never having been suitably acknowledged. In fact, that seems to be some
critics' main takeaway from "Responsible Transition": not
satisfaction that formerly outspoken advocates of an expanded effort in South
Asia have come 'round to their point of view, but rather outrage that CNAS
seems not to have been sufficiently punished for giving a home to those
advocates who, in Bernard's words, "were simply wrong based on the
available evidence at the time." Finel is pissed, and not just at the fact
that there are still people who disagree with him, or that the
U.S. is still in
Afghanistan -- he's pissed that
everyone didn't agree with him in the first place. After all,
"[d]evelopments in
since the 2009 surges have been exactly as any informed observer would have
expected," he writes. They were wrong "based on the
evidence at the time"! By this line of thinking, anyone who
pushed a different policy course than he and his fellow sober pragmatists must
be a charlatan, "a courtier (and worse)," a war profiteer, or a liar.
But what of CNAS' "disingenuous" refusal to
excoriate its very own institutional self for "past mistakes" and a
"shift in analysis"? For a "180 on COIN" with "no
explanation"? Well, Bernard's own words satisfy this nutty complaint:
"I know it has no 'institutional positions'..." What further need is
there for qualification? They don't have institutional positions! The analysis
of their employees does not constitute the analysis of the organization! To say
that COIN is CNAS' "signature area of research and influence" simply
because Nagl and Exum have been vocal in support of that operational approach
is just as absurd as saying that Brookings' "signature area of research
and influence" is the Bush Doctrine because it employs Pollack and
O'Hanlon. And to say that CNAS has undergone a "major reversal in its
ANY ISSUES is just damned goofy.
So is this the great "reversal" that Bernard is
trumpeting, the "180 on COIN" of Cohen's dreams? Well, in short, no.
First of all, as the report notes, the COINdinistas didn't get everything they
wanted out of the so-called "surge": the president offered a more
limited vision and rejected a massive, protracted troop presence. Exum and
Barno are adapting to the reality of 2010: the president has elaborated his
strategy, we've had an additional year to observe the progress of the war, and
the U.S.
government, NATO, and the Afghan government have demonstrated over that period
their collective seriousness about the drawdown-by-'11, transition-by-'14
timeline. The authors aren't saying "my bad, this COIN stuff is a
bunch of nonsense and it's not working, so listen up while I pimp some other
plan." They're saying "look, no matter what anybody said before,
these are the decisions the president has made about the near and mid-term, so
here's how we get the best results out of that over the long term." To put
it simply, anyone who is painting this as a "reversal" or "180"
on COIN is completely full of shit.
Now, are the recommendations themselves any good? As I said
before, I've got my own complaints. [EDIT #2:] For what it's worth, here's a snip of what I wrote about the draft that I originally saw:
So I guess in conclusion, I like what you're trying to do
here, and I very much like the acknowledgement that the current strategy
doesn't have a real, concrete end point. But I have some major concerns about
a) your justification for continued involvement (i.e. WHY winning is
important); b) your explanation for how this approach actually works better to
achieve our goals in Afghanistan (i.e. HOW we win this way); c) your apparent
willingness to sacrifice on the big picture (not getting Americans blown up by al-Qaeda)
in order to meet with some limited success in the small picture (keeping
Afghanistan from collapse to the Taliban) (i.e. WHAT the point of what we're
doing here is).
I objected to the bits about increased
leverage on the Pakistanis, both because I think we're already trying pretty
hard on that one and because there's no concrete elaboration of exactly
how to
do it. I'm a bit uncomfortable with the sizing of the "residual
force" for the same reasons: it's not that 30K is necessarily the wrong
number, but I'd like to see them show their work. Why 30,000 and not 25,000? Or
15,000? Or 40,000? And then there's the bit about shifting investment away from
the central government in
and increasing support for local government, which I think is plainly
inconsistent with an indirect approach that will necessarily be largely
dependent on Afghan Security Forces... that are organized, trained, equipped,
and directed by the national government. How do you keep building up ANSF while
shifting investment to local government? How do you support decentralized militias/
arbakai without
getting them shot at by previously U.S.-trained and -equipped ANSF? Without
creating yet more unpredictable conflict dynamics? And so on.
But all in all, "Responsible Transition" is
something to be happy about. People with influence are taking a pragmatic
approach to post-"surge"
Afghanistan and trying to
understand how we get from where we are and where we will be to where we need
to be. They're not saying they wish the last year hadn't happened, they're not
arguing that the president is dumb and shouldn't have made the decisions that
he did, and they're not working with fantasy counterfactuals about woulda,
coulda, shoulda or
only we hadn't. They're trying to understand
vital and enduring interests, to make sense of what those mean in
South Asia, and to move the state of play in the region
from where it is now to where it ought to be under the resource and political
constraints we can all feel confident will obtain in coming years. We ought to
applaud that, not act butt-hurt about the fact that nobody listened a year ago.
Other criticisms of "Responsible Transition":